
Total Funding and Expenses for the Academy


إجمالي التبرعات والنفقات للأكاديمية


شكرًا جزيلا على دعمكم المادي والمعنوي! 




Total Funding and Expenses for the Academy


Thank you very much for your financial and moral support!


Stay tuned!









MIT+N funded


Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2018)

Mohammed Alsheekh: 50 € (2018)

Deniz Çiçek: 20 € (2018)

Advertising revenues: 8,8 € (2018)

Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2019)

Tanvir Müller: 200 € (2020)

Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2020)




Total funding: 1778,8 € 



MIT+N spend


1- Funding for students (2020) (sent)


905 € + 12,95 € WesternUnion 


917,95 € 


2- 10x Raspberry Pi 3 with packages and Starter Kits (bought but not sent yet)


699,4 €


3- Webpage


60 € (2018)

84 € (2019)

108 € (2020)


252 € 





Total spend: 1869,35 €



Rest Budget: - 90,55 €


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