إجمالي التبرعات والنفقات للأكاديمية
شكرًا جزيلا على دعمكم المادي والمعنوي!
Total Funding and Expenses for the Academy
Thank you very much for your financial and moral support!
Stay tuned!
MIT+N funded
Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2018)
Mohammed Alsheekh: 50 € (2018)
Deniz Çiçek: 20 € (2018)
Advertising revenues: 8,8 € (2018)
Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2019)
Tanvir Müller: 200 € (2020)
Ahid Alsheekh: 500 € (2020)
Total funding: 1778,8 €
MIT+N spend
1- Funding for students (2020) (sent)
905 € + 12,95 € WesternUnion
917,95 €
2- 10x Raspberry Pi 3 with packages and Starter Kits (bought but not sent yet)
699,4 €
3- Webpage
60 € (2018)
84 € (2019)
108 € (2020)
252 €
Total spend: 1869,35 €
Rest Budget: - 90,55 €
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